Multisymplectic actions of compact Lie groups on spheres (bibtex)
by Miti, Antonio Michele and Ryvkin, Leonid
Multisymplectic actions of compact Lie groups on spheres (Miti, Antonio Michele and Ryvkin, Leonid), In Journal of Symplectic Geometry, volume 18, 2020.
Bibtex Entry:
	title        = {Multisymplectic actions of compact Lie groups on spheres},
	author       = {Miti, Antonio Michele and Ryvkin, Leonid},
	year         = 2020,
	month        = Dec,
	journal      = {Journal of Symplectic Geometry},
	volume       = 18,
	number       = 6,
	pages        = {1751--1785},
	doi          = {10.4310/JSG.2020.v18.n6.a6},
	issn         = 15275256,
	url          = {},
	archiveprefix = {arXiv},
	arxivid      = {1906.08790},
	eprint       = {1906.08790},
	keywords     = {Cohomological obstructions,Compact groups actions,Groups of multisymplectic diffeomorphisms,Homotopy comoment maps,Multisymplectic geometry}
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